Thursday, February 17, 2022

"worker suffered moderately severe head trauma...."

Working from height is a hazard that our industry acknowledges. Yet, still incident occur where workers are injured and killed from falls. Here was an incident from last year that we wanted to post.


One afternoon in July 2021, a 37-year-old man was injured after suffering a fall of approximately 3m while working at a foundry located in city in South America


The worker suffered moderately severe head trauma. He was attended by rescuers from a nearby town and sent to Hospital 15 kilometers away by soldiers from the Fire Department.

It has been nearly 6 months since the incident. We pray that the injured worker recovered fully from his injuries. Brain trauma can take a long time to recover.

We do not know the job title of the injured worker. But, regardless of the worker’s job classification. The worker should have been wearing a safety harness.

We make the assumption that the worker was performing maintenance task, or something maintenance personnel would be responsible. When we speak to maintenance personnel, we explain to them that a simple mistake can have life changing consequences. When workers fail to follow their train, skip steps, make assumptions an incident involving an injury or fatality can result. One common incident that we would like to mention that we have repeatedly posted is when a worker with a safety harness is moving from one area to another. The worker unhooks from one spot. Moving to the other to rehook up. It is at that period of being without secured that the worker is vulnerable. We have reported on numerous incidents of workers slipping, tripping, losing their balance, etc. and falling.

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