Sunday, October 23, 2022

"Any attempt to revive the man vain."


The importance of properly lock out tag out or safe isolation is a common theme with our incidents involving maintenance personnel in our industry. Here is a recent incident highlight the hazard of lock out tag out.


Dramatic accident at work in the early hours of this afternoon that saw the death of a 60-year-old worker.


The accident took place in (location omitted). According to an initial reconstruction , the man was carrying out maintenance work on a roller that carries aluminum bars when at a certain point the man would have been crushed.


The causes of the terrible accident are being investigated by the police.


The alarm went off immediately and medical aid was brought to the scene, including the helicopter rescue for the emergency medical team . Any attempt to revive the man who has never regained consciousness is in vain.


We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends and coworkers. We are at a loss many times when we speak to workers when they have experienced a fatality at their workplace. We tend to end our discussions with a challenge. We tell the workers that with our sincerity if they would like to honor their fallen coworker(s) they can do that… living. One’s lives should not end a workplace incident.


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