Sunday, November 6, 2022

"A fire broke out..."


The storage of combustibles is common in our workplaces. If these consumables find an ignition source a fire will result.

A fire broke out in an aluminum factory in (name omitted), where plastic materials were located.

According to the information received, the employees, who saw smoke rising from the part where the plastic materials of an aluminum factory in the central Seyhan district were located, reported the situation to the police and firefighters.

Police and fire brigade were dispatched to the scene. According to the news (name omitted); While the firefighters responded to the fire, the police teams participated in the extinguishing work by spraying the flames with TOMAs.

The fire was brought under control as a result of the intervention of the crews.

Cooling work continues in the fire, which was brought under control by firefighters.

It appears thankfully no one was injured. It is unknown what this “plastic material” was but the quantity was such that the photos show a large fire. It is important to have adequate fire suppression equipment. Thankfully, the local fire department was nearby and could quickly arrive and begin to fight the fire.

The reader should ask the following questions:

  • Do we store combustible materials?
  •  Do we need to have that quantity on stock?
  • If a fire breaks out, how will it be extinguished?

Please comment.

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