Thursday, November 3, 2022

"Two people were seriously injured in a fire accident..."

The mixing of chemicals occurs in many of workplaces on a daily basis. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazard of a task so common in our plants.

Two people were seriously injured in a fire accident while working at an aluminum foundry in (location omitted), around 2:25 pm on the 18th.

According to the fire department on the 19th, a flame occurred in the process of mixing alcohol and paint spray at the factory that day.

Two workers were seriously injured in the fire.

After receiving the report, the paramedics dispatched them to the burn hospital in connection with the fire helicopter after providing first aid on the spot. 

The police are investigating the exact cause of the accident, including whether safety rules were followed.

We pray the injured workers recover from their injuries. We assume that the serious burns occurred because their clothes were made of combustible fabric and ignited. We acknowledge that is an assumption but from our experience in the foundry industry there are two extremes in terms of safety clothing. Either the foundry requires their workers to wear aluminized (primary) clothing or they are wearing cotton t-shirts and blue jeans. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has sadly posted numerous incidents involving foundry workers being severly burned. 

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