Monday, October 31, 2022

"apparently received a severe blow..."

Some incidents were are told about are hard to understand. The news media article tell little to no information. This is an example of such an incident.

A worker was seriously injured yesterday in a work accident that occurred at the (aluminium) foundry facilities in the (town name omitted), as reported on Wednesday, August 24, by the works council.

According to his information, the accident occurred around half past five in the morning and the injured worker, who apparently received a severe blow, for which he had to be evacuated to a hospital where he remains under observation.

In a note, the (company name omitted) committee has pointed out that "the causes of the increase in occupational accidents in said company are precariousness, subcontracting, eventuality, the deterioration of working conditions and facilities and the excessive rates of work, as well as widespread breaches in occupational health".

The union representation has called a rally tomorrow at the gates of the company to denounce the latest work accident.

We pray that the injured worker recovers fully from their injuries. Though this news article provides only “apparently received a severe blow”. We still find that this incident can be useful. In such that a workplace can ask “where can our workers receive a “severe blow””. No doubt there are some unique incidents but many times severe blows can come about with machinery, moveable equipment, finished product.

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