Sunday, June 18, 2023

"found bleeding from his head and dead....."

Safety under hook is emphasized throughout our industry. But, still incidents occur. Here is a recent tragedy that we pray will be used to make your workplace safer.

At a metal recycling plant in a city in East Asia, a man believed to be a technical intern trainee from the (another country) was found bleeding from his head and dead. It is believed that the aluminum rods that had been stacked collapsed and hit directly. According to the police, around 2:00 pm on the 17th, a colleague found a man (30s) who was believed to be a (foreign country) technical intern trainee dead at a metal recycling plant in a city in East Asia. At that time, the man was working on stacking aluminum rods to a height of about 5 meters, but the pallet sandwiched between the aluminum was crushed, and the bundle of more than 450 kg collapsed and hit the head directly. It is believed that Police are investigating whether the pallets were corroded.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. Sadly, it appears that the worker was under the suspended load when it fell. We have taughter on this specific hazard to countless workers on our travels. We have commented on numerous LinkedIn posts that show a worker under or near a suspended load.

Workers have to be instructed never to place any part of their body under a suspended load. Additionally, workers need to be instructed that they should also not be close to the suspended load in case it falls.

As with every post we pray that this tragedy will be used to educate and prevent a recurrence at another workplace.

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