Thursday, June 22, 2023

"This fire cannot be extinguished with water! "

The nightmare scenario for workplaces who handle molten metal is for an uncontrolled leak. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazard of molten metal spills.

This fire cannot be extinguished with water! High-temperature liquid aluminum leakage in aluminum factory (name omitted) factory self-defense marshalling extinguishing fire.

An aluminum factory in a city in East Asia, a fire alarm was reported on the morning of the 11th, and the aluminum container in the plant leaked high-temperature liquid aluminum, resulting in smoke in the surrounding apparatus, but fortunately, the employees immediately started the self-defense fire marshalling when they saw this, and extinguished the fire through the fire extinguisher, which did not cause casualties, and the exact cause of the fire still needs to be clarified.

It is understood that the aluminum factory located in (an industrial park), today (11th) at 8 a.m. there was a fire alarm, the aluminum container in the plant leaked high-temperature liquid aluminum, resulting in the surrounding apparatus has smoke, employees immediately started self-defense fire marshalling, notified employees of various departments of the fire and evacuated in order, while calling 119 on-site situation, and using fire extinguishers to try to extinguish the surrounding fire.

After the (local) City Fire Department was reported to the scene, the factory personnel took the initiative to guide the firefighters to the place where the fire started, and told that the burning substance was high-temperature liquid aluminum, which has its water-repellent properties, and rashly using water to extinguish the fire may lead to the expansion of the disaster.

The head of the second disaster rescue brigade of the fire department, said that more flammable materials or highly hazardous substances are stored in the factory than in residences, so according to the Fire Service Law, factory personnel should conduct self-drills every year and submit self-defense fire marshalling drills to the fire brigade.

We are very happy that no one worker nor fire personnel were injured in this incident. It appears that not only had the aluminium workers trained in how to safety respond to a molten metal spill. It seems that the local fire department also trained for such an incident. Great job!

What a great incident to use to make your workplace safer. Here the workplace trained their personnel on molten metal safety. Then the local fire department was properly trained and prepared.

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