Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Aluminum sheets scattered on the road..."


Improper load securement on trucks results in countless number of incidents. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents of truck accidents where the load came off the trailer resulting in the injury or death of the driver or nearby motorists. Here is a recent incident highlighting this hazard.

In (location omitted) the truck loaded with aluminum panels, whose driver lost control of the steering wheel, crashed into the barriers in the middle median and avoided crossing to the opposite lane at the last moment.

The accident occurred at around 06:15 in the morning (location omitted). The truck, loaded with 54 AFC XXX plates and aluminum panels, entered the barriers in the median that divides the D-650 highway into two, as a result of the driver's loss of steering control. 

The truck hit the barriers, after advancing in the median for a while, its aluminum-laden chassis broke off and fell into the opposite lane. Aluminum panels in the frame of the truck that fell on the lane were scattered on the highway.

Upon notification of the accident, 122 firefighters and police teams were dispatched to the scene. The truck driver injured in the accident. Was being taken to (nearby) District State Hospital by 112 ambulance , highway was closed for a while.

After the aluminum plates poured from the truck's body were removed from the highway, the traffic flow was controlled from a single lane.

While the police started an investigation regarding the accident, the traffic flow returned to normal after the truck involved in the accident was lifted with a crane.

We pray that the injured worker recovers fully from their injuries. Thankfully, no one else was injured in this incident. We have reported on numerous other incidents where the aluminium has hit other vehicles and even pedestrians. This is a hazard that commonly occurs with independent truckers. To minimize this growing hazard companies have to ensure that the load is proper secured before allowing it to leave the aluminium plant.

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