Sunday, August 6, 2023

"got buried under the aluminum slab(s)...."

The over stacking of t-bar, sows, ingots, etc. is a hidden hazard in our industry. Some workplaces do not set a maximum height of the aluminium items and on occasion they topple over on to workers. Here is a recent tragedy emphasizing the need to set a maximum stack height.

Two laborers have died in a town in South Asia. Two laborers died tragically in an accident in a factory. Both of them got buried under the aluminum slab (weighing more than 650 kg). After this incident, the family members protested outside the chemical factory by keeping the dead body.

Due to the negligence of a factory, two laborers died tragically. died after being buried under the aluminum slab. This accident happened in (company name omitted) located in (location name omitted) area. Accusing the management of negligence, the relatives protested in front of the factory by keeping the dead bodies of both the workers.

We offer our sincere condolences to the workers’ families, friends and coworkers. We are at a loss of what to say because this hazard is a common observation that we have made on our travels around the globe. Though we do not mention the workers’ names here. We will when we speak about this hazard. Their names will be mentioned not to dishonor them but to teach companies that sows, t-bars, ingots can not be stacked more than 2 meters tall. Most companies will only stacks of 5 of sows, t-bars, etc. At this workplace the aluminium was stacked 9 or more tall. Sadly, it was only a matter of time that a stack that tall, possibly 3-4 meters tall would topple over. We pray that this tragedy would be used as an educational tool to prevent future recurrences.

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