Friday, August 11, 2023

Lucky to be alive....

We can’t remember how many fatalities we have reported on. We know it is sadly in the hundreds. On many of the fatal incidents we weep for the dead and pray that we can prevent a recurrence. We consider all deaths horrific, but in someway a death of a first responder is worst. Because their death in our experience occurs because of a lack of awareness and education to the hazards in our industry. Here is an incident that emphasizes the need to educate fire department personnel.


The Fire Brigade intervened in (small town in Southern Europe), following the fire of waste material extracted from the processing and polishing of aluminium, which was inside a roll-off container.

We are thankful that no one was injured in this incident. We would not recommend placing water on an aluminium waste fire for fear of an explosion occurring. We have reported on numerus similar incidents all resulted in an explosion resulting the steel container (e.g., dumpster, drum, scrap container) explode. The metal sides act like a grenade injuring and killing nearby personnel.

Then how would we recommend extinguishing a fire in a dumpster? We would recommend smothering the fire with an inert material. Dirt, rock salt, sand, etc.

Please comment.


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