Tuesday, September 5, 2023

"five dead, 30 injured, 7 seriously injured...."


If you ask a fireman near an aluminium plant what is their nightmare scenario. They commonly will say responding to an incident at the nearby aluminium plant. Why? Because, some of our hazards in our workplace have the potential to be horrific. Here is a recent incident the emphasizes the hazard of molten metal safety in our industry:

The explosion hit an aluminum melting furnace at a metallurgical company; the causes are being investigated.

The death toll in the explosion that destroyed a metallurgical company one morning the first week in September 2023 rose to five. The incident took place in the (town name omitted) neighborhood and the information was released by the City Hall. Dozens of people were injured.

The mayor of (nearby city), (name omitted), lamented the tragedy. There are more than 30 injured. The politician said that the city is "in mourning" and hopes for the speedy recovery of the victims.

The explosion hit an aluminum melting furnace. The cause of the accident will be investigated.

The Fire Department reported that it was called around 10:40 am. There were 13 vehicles and two helicopters mobilized to rescue and care for the injured.

The victims were sent to a nearby hospital and to another hospital 35 kilometers away, according to municipal management.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased workers’ families, friends, and coworkers. We pray for a quick recovery for the workers who suffered burns and injuries in the explosion. As we have sadly done in the past with catastrophic explosions. We have offered our technical assistance on finding the root cause. Why? Because the rumors and news reports of “preliminary investigation results” are all incorrect. We have learned more every day about this workplace and what had happened. We will update this post with more information in the future. In the meantime we pray for the families of the workers who were killed or injured.

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