Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"suffered full-body burns ...died... two days later"


The importance of wearing proper safety clothing is highlighted in this tragedy from May 2023.

An explosion occurred during work at an aluminum recycling plant in (location omitted), killing one person and injuring another.

According to (local police) on the (one afternoon in May 2023), at around 5:13 pm, an explosion suddenly occurred while two people, including one worker, in his 60s, were melting aluminum at an aluminum recycling plant in (location omitted).

The 60 year old worker suffered full-body burns in this accident and was treated at the hospital, but died on the two days later..

Mr. B, in his 60s, who was working with him, suffered injuries to his face and is being treated at the hospital.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We are at a loss of words to understand why the workers were not wear proper safety clothing. We can make the assumption that the workers were not wearing proper clothing because if they were the injuries would have been greatly minimized. Fire resistant and aluminized fabric should be worn by workers handling molten metal.

There are numerous publications focused on proper safety clothing when handling molten metal here.

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