Sunday, December 31, 2023

"the car driver applied a sudden brake...."


The proper load securement is a hidden hazard in our industry. This incident highlights this hazard that results in many injuries and fatalities.

A car driver had providential escape as the aluminium strips that were being transported in a pick-up vehicle entered the car at (location omitted) junction one day in February 2023.

The pick-up carrying aluminium strips was behind the car. Both vehicles were moving towards (location removed). When the car driver applied a sudden brake, the protruding strips from the pickup entered the car from the back windshield. However, they stuck the seat behind the driver.

All indications are that the driver of the automobile survived the incident. This incident would not have occurred if the load was properly secured. Improper load securement is a hidden hazard that is present throughout our industry. This is a hazard (as with all of them) that can be prevented. How? By insisting that when materials (e.g., finished product, waste, etc.) depart  our workplaces that it is properly secured. Long ago the editors of the blog worked in the steel industry and on occasion we would have a trucker who would not properly secure the truck. We learned quickly not to give the shipping paperwork to the trucker until it was properly secured. That ensured that the load departing our facility was properly strapped, chained, etc.

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