Wednesday, January 3, 2024

" attacked by a seriously injured"

The use of robots in manufacturing workplaces is commonplace. The hazard associated with robots in workplaces is overlooked in many companies. Here is a past incident that just came to light emphasizing this hazard.

A software engineer suffered serious injuries after being attacked by a robot at a (automobile) factory located in (omitted). 

The robot, used to manage aluminum automobile parts , suddenly attacked the worker, according to (news media). 

Although the accident occurred two years ago, it was not until now that (news media) acquired the report of the injuries suffered by the worker. 

The document described the engineer's injury as a “laceration, cut or open wound” to his left hand. (The automobile company) did not report anything about the accident. 

How did the accident with the robot at the (automobile) factory happen?

The episode occurred while the engineer was programming the software of robots designed to shape car parts from freshly molten aluminum . Despite disabling two robots for this task, a third robot continued to operate, causing the incident.

This would not be the only case. Reports submitted to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) indicate that one in 21 employees at the (automobile) factory in (location omitted) suffered injuries last year. 

(Automobile company) and its security flaws 

Several factory employees allege that (automobile company) frequently overlooks safety in construction, maintenance and operations, exposing workers to unnecessary risks. 

Workers argue that automobile company's focus on rapid production often translates into safety oversights .

Documented incidents include the collapse of heavy machinery , such as a crane, steel beam, and air conditioning duct, near production lines.

Additionally, employees have reported health problems due to exposure to harmful substances such as ammonia. 

Accidents in factories

Last summer, for example, a worker's ankle became trapped under a moving car, causing him to miss work for more than four months.

Shortly after, another employee was out for 85 days after being hit in the head by a metal object. The list of safety violations continues to grow, with reports of forklifts colliding with assembly line workers.

Though this incident occurred two years ago. We pray that the injured worker recovered fully from their injuries. We pray that this automobile company focuses on safety and work to prevent these incidents from continuing to occur.

We have spoken to this automobile on several occasions on a variety of topics. We came away with the realization that our contacts on each occasion knew nothing about the hazard being discussed. It appears that engineers and managers at this company burn out after a few years and depart. Which results in engineers and managers without historical knowledge of the project at hand. Worse yet they leave or are transferred before the project is completed. It is a viscous circle that results in safety taking a back seat to production. From our sources we could easily post an incident a week from the automobile company. We pray that they automobile company reinvest in safety for their workers, contractors, and visitors to their workplaces that are located around the world. 

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