Sunday, January 14, 2024

bauxite train collides with bus....5 hurt, 1 dead.


The use of railroads in hauling raw materials and finished products is common throughout the industry. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazards.

A woman died and at least five people were injured after an accident between a freight train and a bus in (location omitted). The train collided with the side of the bus that was crossing the railway one afternoon in November 2023.

According to the Fire Department, the woman who died was 37 years old and was thrown out of the bus by the impact of the crash and was then hit by the train. In a video, recorded by a driver near the scene, it is possible to see the moment of the accident.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased woman’s family and friends. We have reported on incidents involving railroads inside and outside our plants. Trains cannot stop quickly. We will update this post if further information is available.

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