Thursday, January 11, 2024

"Three people have been arrested by the police, following the death..."


Annually we speak to thousands and thousands of workers. We talk about the importance of following one’s training. Because, if one does not follow their training someone could be injured or killed. Depending on the region workers can be held criminally liable if their actions resulted in the death of an individual in a workplace. Here is an incident emphasizing this:

Three people have been arrested by the police, following the death of the 45-year-old man at the aluminium recycling factory one morning in August 2023. It is reported that the victim was accidentally hit with a work tool by one of his compatriots, a 46-year-old man with the initials (omitted)

A day after the event, the police arrested the 46-year-old man and two others, the 29-year-old man with the initials (omitted), responsible engineer, and the 31-year-old man with the initials (omitted), the manager/technical manager. In the meantime, the proceedings began for the 2 administrators of the company, citizens: a 52 years old, resident in (location omitted) and a 34 years old, resident in (location omitted).

"The Specialists for the Investigation of Crimes of the (local) Police Station, following the actions carried out under the direction of the Prosecutor's Office, for clarifying the event that happened yesterday, in the aluminium recycling factory, in the former metallurgical plant, where citizen a 45 years old lost his life after being accidentally damaged by a work equipment, were arrested in the act for the criminal offense "Violation of the rules of protection at work", 3 factory workers, citizens:  a 46 years old, resident of (location omitted) (foreign citizen), the driver of the work vehicle (forklift) who accidentally injured the citizen, during the work process, 29 years old, resident of (location omitted) (foreign citizen), responsible engineer; a 31 years old (citizen), resident in (location omitted), with the duties of manager/technical manager. Also, for this case, the materials were referred to the Prosecutor's Office, where the proceedings were initiated in a free state for the 2 administrators of the company, citizens: 52 years old, resident in (location omitted) and a 34 years old, resident in (location omitted). The procedural materials were passed to the Prosecution at the Court of First Instance of the (location omitted) Jurisdiction, for further actions," the police informed.

The news article informs that the deceased worker was struck by forklift and died. We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers.

This country where the fatal incident occurred is criminally prosecuted the worker driving the forklift and two managers of the aluminium company. We have reported on similar prosecutions in other countries in the past. We will update this post as information is made forth.

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