Sunday, January 7, 2024

"closing phase of the machinery, he was somehow "hit"...


Moving automated machinery in our workplaces come in all sizes and shapes. How the machinery moves and the direction of travels varies too. In most case if a worker(s) is in the way of moving automated machinery it will not stop. Sadly the following incident emphasizes the importance of segregating workers from automate moving machinery.

A worker died at the (aluminium extrusion plant): the investigating judge orders the evidentiary incident in the factory.

The results of the autopsy confirm the 30-year-old's death due to crushing. The sole director Arosio has been investigated, while the investigation on the machinery is awaited.

The outcome of the autopsy seems to confirm the evidence of crushing of the chest as the cause that led to the death of 30-year-old worker, as part of the accident which occurred last May within of the (aluminium extrusion) plant in (local , where the young man worked with a temporary contract.

The investigations of the Prosecutor's Office, coordinated by the deputy prosecutors (names omitted), continue with regard to the technical assessment of the machinery, still under seizure, on which the young man, together with a colleague, was operating during the night shift.

In this case we proceed through an evidentiary hearing, ordered by the investigating judge who accepted the reservation proposed by the defense of the only suspect, the sole director (name omitted).


The lawyer (name omitted), of the Court of (location omitted), in fact, decided to make use of this institution of criminal procedural law in order to be able to discuss the formulation of questions to the Court's expert and to appoint his own consultant to assist in the technical assessment. The investigating judge appointed engineer (name omitted), with an office in (location omitted). With this, in response to the request by the prosecutors for an unrepeatable technical assessment. The evidentiary incident allows the advance acquisition of evidence, in a sort of "crystallization", which can be fully used in the trial precisely because they were taken with the guarantee of cross-examination given by the presence of the parties. The first access to the area under seizure took place on August 1st during which, also due to bad weather, the intervention was limited to substantially securing the machinery. At the beginning of September, the expert, in the presence of the party's consultants, will continue with the relevant assessments. For the purposes of filing the appraisal, the judge established a deadline of 90 days.


The machinery, about ten meters long, part of the factory's production line, is equipped with a special fence and is equipped with safety devices. The assessment, therefore, will allow us to acquire all aspects regarding the characteristics and state of the system in terms of efficiency and maintenance, verifying whether the safety measures have guaranteed effective protection functionality, as well as whether any unforeseen or different circumstances, such as a possible malfunction. That night in May the thirty-year-old together with a colleague was dealing with a press when, during the closing phase of the machinery, he was somehow "hit" by it, unfortunately making rescue and life-saving maneuvers useless, so much so that he was unable do nothing other than decree death. (Company name omitted) is a company specialized in the production of customized extruded aluminum profiles, and is one of the most prestigious industrial companies in the (name omitted) extrusion scene, boasting long technical experience. In recent years, numerous investments have been made at the (location omitted) headquarters, both internally and locally.


We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and co-workers. The news article states, “evidence of crushing of the chest as the cause that led to the death”. It could be the worker was caught in the press. We have reached out to our contacts in this country and will update this post as further information is known.


We do believe that every post can be used as an education tool at your workplace. Especially if you have extrusion presses. Simply ask your worker “where can you get caught by the machine?” The follow up question is “have you ever had to do that while the press is running?


Another question I like to ask on my plant tours to individual workers “what is the most dangerous task here to do?”


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