Thursday, May 30, 2024

"lightning strike caused an explosion and heavy destruction in a factory...."

Extreme weather events know no boundaries. As we learned recently with the recent torrential thunderstorms in the United Arab Emirates. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazard of lightening:


A lightning strike fell on an aluminum profiling factory located in the town of (location omitted), and the explosion caused serious damage to the building's structure.


The discharge was felt this Thursday morning with a strong thunder, in the midst of the storms that hit the (location omitted) suburban, and was recorded by footage that circulated on social networks.


Was it a huge explosion. They exploded all the glasses a block from the offices, the shed in front, from the sheds of the neighbors, detailed a plant employee who was present at the time of the explosion.


We were hesitant to believe the account but one of our contacts in this country had associates visit the plant and confirm the authenticity of the story.

It is unknown at this time if the plant had lightening rods properly installed on the roofs or not. We pray that any workers who were injured or suffered fright during this horrendous explosion recover fully.

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