Thursday, October 17, 2024

"farmlands swamped by red mud..."

Red mud is the byproduct of refining bauxite. The disposal of red mud is commonly down in ponds or containment pools. Problem arise is when a ponds fails and the redmud is released in a flood to the surrounding community. Here is a recent incident.

A red mud pond constructed by aluminium company at its (location omitted) facility collapsed on one day in September.

The breach has triggered flooding, inundating hectares of agricultural land in three surrounding areas. The affected areas are now facing a flood-like situation, with farmlands swamped by red mud.

According to reports, the incident occurred early this morning around 3 a.m. Affected farmers and locals fear that the red mud, a byproduct of the aluminium refining process, contains toxic substances that could pose significant health risks and damage the productivity of their lands.

Local residents alleged that there has been negligence in maintaining the facility by Vedanta which led to its collapse.  They allege that improper construction and inadequate upkeep of the infrastructure caused the accident. Locals are also questioning why the facility was built in such an unsafe manner, especially given its proximity to human settlement.

Affected locals have gathered at the alumina refinery to protest and seek compensation for their losses.

Aluminium company responds

Responding to the incident, aluminium company said, "Extreme weather caused elevated water levels and pressure in the facility’s catchment area, which led to the breach. Company officials immediately informed the state administration and mobilised its teams to manage the situation and minimise any impact."

In a press note released on Monday, the company said "While no injuries or loss of livestock have been reported so far, the overflow of water has impacted agricultural areas. Vedanta Aluminium has initiated immediate containment and mitigation measures, working closely with the administration and local communities in the areas that have been affected."

We pray for the local communities and their residents. We pray that no residents were injured and killed, and all of the communities can be made right by the aluminium company.

Every incident involving a red mud pond failure result in the denial of a permit(s) to expand a red mud pond somewhere in the industry. The design and construction of red mud ponds needs to take into worst case weather 

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