Monday, March 10, 2025

"Trailer overturns on curve..."

The transportation of raw materials and finish products occurs daily with no incidents. But, occasionally an incident occurs highlighting the hazard of transportation.

A trailer loaded with aluminum rolls overturned on the (name omitted) highway, at the height of (rush hour), in the municipality of (name omitted). The mishap left material damage and generated slow traffic in the direction of the capital of (the country).

According to the first reports, the trailer, with license plates (omitted), lost control, which caused an impact in the area. A gray Chevrolet Spark vehicle, in which two passengers were traveling, was also involved in the incident.

The operator of the trailer was injured and was treated at the scene by paramedics from the Emergency Service of the State of (name omitted). He remains under observation to rule out serious injuries.

We pray that the injured driver recovers fully from their injuries. The photo shows that the load of an aluminium roll was improperly secured on the flatbed trailer. Why? Because it came off. No matter the accident the load must stay on the trailer. There was an accident involving a fully loaded trailer of foundry ingot. That flipped over into a pond. Thankfully the driver survived. We were told that when the trailer was recovered all of the foundry ingots were still strapped down. 

The video of this accident shows the truck driving and toppling over. If you watch the video below you will see some individuals on the bottom left of the screen hear the accident and run. 

Thankfully not more were injured or killed.

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